I ♥ Thanksgiving. It's always been one of my favorite holidays. I think it's because it marks the end of my favorite season. Officially. The day after Thanksgiving, Christmas always begins in my heart. It's been that way since I was a child. And I refuse to even think about Christmas until after Thanksgiving is over. And then there's all the food and family. One thing that I haven't been doing just for the holiday this year is think about what I am thankful for. {gasp}. Why? Because of this:
It's my 1000 Things notebook. In it I write everything that I am thankful for. Even Sharpie markers. EVERY.THING. I have listed serious things (such as an honest husband) to not so serious things (like Polaroids). They are numbered and dated each time I write.
I am daily recording my thanksgiving. It's cultivating a gratefulness in me that I don't think was really there before. Daily. Be thankful in {ALL} things … this is what I am learning to do.
I got the idea from Ann Voscamp, who is completely lovely … I am thankful for her ♥
So just a few details: the notebook is small (4x6) and has plastic covers so that I can carry it with me and it won't become damaged. I can replace the card in the front cover any time to change the design if I'd like (you know me and changing designs!). I bought this particular one at Borders, but you could really use any notebook you wish.
I encourage you to begin a 1000 Things notebook for yourself. It has really changed my perspective and grown gratefulness in my heart.
Happy Thanksgiving!
what a great idea! thanks for sharing :)